Our mission is to provide a Christ-centred Education in a caring community and to equip students for the 21st Century.

The vision of Foundation Christian College is to provide high-quality Christian Education for our students from Kindergarten to Year 12.

Our School Mission is:

‘Our mission is to provide a Christ-centred Education in a caring community and to equip students for the 21st Century.’

Our School Motto is:

“Jesus Christ, our sure foundation.”

Christian Education

Christian education invites young people to see and understand the world through the perspective of God’s truth. The Bible becomes the lens in which students view what they are learning. The lens focusses their thinking on ultimate truth–a biblical vision for life where the world is created and sustained by God; where God has acted in history to deal with the distortions of creation caused by human rebellion; and where history is advancing towards a new creation in which all things are reconciled to God through Jesus who is not only the climax of the biblical story but is also the focal point of the lens.

A Way of Living

However, Christian education is not just about a Christian way of understanding. It is also about a Christian way of living. When Jesus said, “Follow me”, he was expecting people to dedicate their whole lives to serving God. Christian education informs, invites, and inspires young people to live this way. The Christian school offering Christian education seeks to teach this way of life every day through all that is done and taught. It does this in a setting of a unified community of love and learning between parents, children, and teachers.

(See the Christian Education National website for more details on what is Christian Education.)

Student Development

We have a heart to see students develop to be the best they can be in Christ. We have a strong focus on Student Development, Pastoral Care and Academic rigour to ensure children will flourish during their time at the College, and in every area, they pursue after graduation. We know every child has their own unique abilities, gifts and strengths, so we provide an engaging delivery of the required curriculum to help them realise their full and unlimited potential.

21st Century Learning

We also have a vision to see students at Foundation Christian College develop important 21st Century Skills across all year levels. We know that as children step forward into this digital and constantly evolving economy, 21st Century skills will become increasingly vital. 21st Century Learning provides students with opportunities to learn Creative and Critical Thinking skills, the ability to Collaborate, the skills to Communicate effectively and how to Collect Data.